Accomplished Miami Attorneys Fight for Business Clients’ Rights

Dedicated Florida litigators handle your company’s legal concerns in court

To protect business interests, it is imperative to resolve disputes effectively and efficiently. At Solove Law Firm, P.A. in Miami, we will use our 50 years of combined legal experience to develop solutions to your business’ legal issues. Our firm represents Miami companies in a wide range of business litigation matters. Whether your company is facing trademark infringement, defaulting tenants, or a shareholder lawsuit, we will pursue your legal options and work to secure the best possible outcome.

Experienced law firm resolveS breach of contract disputes

Contractual disputes need quick and intelligent responses. When one party allegedly fails to uphold its end or breaches the agreement, one of the following remedies, among others, may be available:

  • money damages
  • specific performance – the breaching party must complete certain actions
  • rescission – both parties are released from further obligations
  • restitution – the return of money or value by the non-breaching party

We help companies of all sizes litigate and settle even the most complex of contract disputes and will work closely with you to achieve the best possible outcome.

Knowledgeable advocates assist with intellectual property infringement issues

Pursuing and responding to claims of the unauthorized use of registered copyrights and trademarks is vital to protecting your brand. Once a copyright or trademark is registered with the U.S. Copyright or U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, no one else is permitted to use that property for commercial purposes without the owner’s permission. When unauthorized use is suspected, taking prompt action is necessary to enforce intellectual property rights, and we will diligently work to safeguard this critical asset.

Resourceful counselors fight product liability actions

Consumer products are required to meet certain safety standards, and liability for a consumer injury related to a design defect, assembly defect or failure to warn may attach to the manufacturer, distributor, retailer or any other entity in the supply chain. These cases are often complicated and can result in the company having to pay a huge amount of money if they are held liable for someone’s injuries. We know how to manage these cases and can help you defend against litigation or pursue alternative resolution options in order to minimize the fallout to your company.

Reliable attorneys manage commercial real estate matters

The commercial real estate market can be complicated, and many disputes produce undesirable consequences. Legal action related to foreclosure, mortgage default or eviction can place considerable financial stress on your company. We represent commercial landlords, investors, management firms and other related parties in a variety of real estate litigation matters. We will strive to protect your long-term interests.

Responsive law firm helps with creditor and collection issues

Unpaid accounts can threaten a company’s stability. We focus on enforcing our clients’ rights as creditors and provide comprehensive legal support to many businesses, including banks, commercial property owners and financial institutions in all stages of the collection process. We understand that each company is unique and will tailor our services to your specific goals.

Contact committed Florida lawyers to schedule a consultation

At Solove Law Firm, P.A., we represent Miami businesses in a wide variety of business litigation matters. Call 305-224-6617 or contact us online today to schedule a consultation at our Miami office.